Saturday, September 12, 2009


This is a truly fucked up world.

When you have friends who aren't really your friends.
Family you can't get rid of.
And a situation you cannot escape.

Truly fucked up.

Sucks to be me, right? Now I'm going to rant how nobody understands me. That they can't possibly know my situation right now because they are not in my shoes. I'm high and mighty that it's imperative I stay in my gleaming pedestal and I can't possibly be cut off from this height because this is where I belong. You're nothing, I'm important. I'm hurt, you're not. I'm loved, you're alone and rotting in your putrid solitary existence. I'm right, everybody else is wrong. I'm forgiving, and you're a sinner. I'm not you, and you're definitely not me.

So fuck off and don't talk to me like you matter because there will come a day when you'll be laughing your ass off as you look down on me as I grovel in my shitty existence.

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